Envisaged as a ‘Romeo and Romeo in the south London suburbs,’ Gillian Freeman’s 1961 novel centred on an explicitly homosexual relationship. Inevitably, Freeman had to tone down her screenplay for the film version, yet it deserves recognition as a significant moment in queer British cinema for its sympathetic portrayal of a working-class gay man (Dudley Sutton).  British Film Institute

With some scenes shot at Butlins and on The Esplanade in Bognor Regis, The Leather Boys boasts some excellent widescreen cinematography and two outstanding performances from Rita Tushingham and Dudley Sutton.

Among the photos below is the US poster for the film.

Book and Film comparison from British 60s Cinema.

Reelstreets page for The Leather Boys, see photos comparing film screenshots with locations in more recent times.

You can buy the 60th Anniversary DVD of The Leather Boys from Renown Films, part of the wonderful film channel Talking Pictures TV. The DVD contains a bonus documentary, Rita Tushingham and The Leather Boys Back at The Ace Cafe.

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