The bognor regis film society

The Bognor Regis Film Society (BRFS) was co-founded by Harry Guermonprez in 1935, with its first meeting being held on the High Street in Cleeves Chemist. Throughout the 1930s the BRFS produced several 'local topical' newsreels and dramas which were exhibited at Bognor venues, including the 2000-seater Theatre Royal. Their films serve as important records of amateur film-making, and of everyday life and special events in pre-Second World War Bognor Regis.

The BRFS became one of the country's pioneering film societies, producing films with excellent camera work. The BRFS showed an eagerness to experiment with technical innovations, notably sound and colour. Consequently, the Society was often mentioned in the pre-war film journal "Home Movies & Home Talkies", and their films were critiqued and occasionally awarded prizes by "Amateur Cine World" magazine.

Text from Screen Archive South East who store many of the BRFS films, four of which you can see on our Bognor Regis Newsreels page. 

Bognor regis film festivals

Coming soon, a look at film festivals held in Bognor Regis 

In the meantime here's a press cutting from April 2007 of director Ken Russell who opened the End of the Pier International Film Festival.

100 years of Bognor Film poster - 2007

100 years of Bognor Film poster 2007